Today was Austin's birthday. Wow when did she get so not a toddler, she is a kid--and it makes me sad!! What a doll she is. She is for sure our carefree, want to make you laugh, tell a STORY, hug on you, love on you, not afraid of anything, little girl.
We started our day with the usual decorated door. Although her and Avery "camped" out in the living room--I still did her door--started to decorate the mantle--didn't have the same feel to it. And of course Mr. Patient, Carl helped after midnight with the task of the night.
It was not the most creative but it matched her invitation and so, well enough said!
Love having a birthday on a Saturday! We celebrated with breakfast on the patio and a candle in her breakfast burrito--which was her menu request.

We had her party at Bounce U--which for those of you who know me KNOW I do not (or rarely) do a party any where other than my home. You can do much cuter things in your backyard.
But Bounce U is where she wanted it--so Bounce U it was. I was reminded why I do my own parties when it was time for 25 kids to have pizza. Give me a C...give me an O...give me a N...give me a T...give me a R...give me an O...give me a L. What's it spell---CONTROL!!! I like control. So needless to say I wasn't very happy with Bounce U. However I was very sweet and nice to our two little hostess girls...for the record.
So we opened presents, blew out candles, made our own ice cream sundaes...and THEN the pizza came!
They didn't even give me a discount---and believe me I tried. So my advice to you would be just say no to Bounce U. But Austie had fun and so did her friends so that is all that counts. Right. Whatever.

So after her party we came home, got a bath, and then packed her bags to go spend the night with her best little buddy Kinsey.

What...yes it's true my baby, my last little chick in the nest, went to spend the night on her birthday with a friend. I am okay....really I am. But seriously could everyone just STOP GROWING UP!!!
So right now I am going to bed with a clean house--thanks to Bounce U--what a minute I am mad at them. And going to bed thankful for the little gift named Austin Olivia Lopez that the Lord gave us 7 years ago today!
Happy Birthday Austin, Your Mom is so creative and loves you very much!
Fun! Fun!! My "baby" turns 21 next week!!
Thank you for the visit to "Sweet Tea" and blessings,
Well at least we can count on you updating your blog at least four times a year. =) Austin's party was lots of fun, thanks for letting us celebrate with you.
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